Carlo D’Anselmi

1991-   藝術家 CV

Carlo D’Anselmi現居於紐約皇后區的里奇伍德(Ridgewood)。於聖安瑟姆學院 (Saint Anselm College)取得美術學士學位後,前往紐約工作室學院(The New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting & Sculpture)進修,並獲得繪畫碩士學位。POINT BLANK RANGE是他在亞洲藝術中心的首次個展。

D’Anselmi曾於紐約Thierry Goldberg Gallery、加州洛杉磯的The Cabin、紐約哈德遜的Pamela Salisbury Gallery等地舉辦個展。此外,他亦多次參與國內外聯展,展覽地點包含台北的亞洲藝術中心、瑞士戈道爾(Goldau)的Kutlesa Gallery、美國德州達拉斯的The Green Family Art Foundation、英國倫敦的Eve Leibe Gallery、美國紐約的Kravets Wehby Gallery及Monya Rowe Gallery、德國柏林Galerie Kornfeld,以及美國紐約The Painting Center。


The Night Had Ended

Double Dog Dare

True Companions

Kissing In A Tree

Bowl of Apples

Cat’s Cradle

I Have Something To Say

Love’s Weapons

Nine Lives

Rare Bird


Self Portrait with Blackbirds

The Apple is The Human Heart (Day)

The Apple is The Human Heart (Night)

10 of Eros

Beginner’s Luck

Fairy Justice

Gifts of The Mind



The Ambush

The Forager

Two to Tango

What Are The Odds?

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